We have a great appreciation for our customers. These words run true in our hearts and minds of every single person at MPC. Providing high quality parts on time and on budget supporting the needs of program managers, military maintainers and ultimately the taxpayer.
Understanding our customers challenges is paramount to our success. Our low cost approach allows both the Military and Program Managers the ability to stretch their budgets even further.
A complete supply chain based on trust and respect is paramount to our success. We recognize the relationship we have with our suppliers is just as important as our relationship with the customer. We recognize that poor communication and payment issues increase costs to all stakeholders in the supply chain.
Constant and concise communications and ensuring that suppliers are paid on time for the work they deliver are the cornerstones of our promise to provide a high quality synergistic low cost supply chain.
We pride ourselves on employing the best former military personnel with the best military and civilian qualifications. From Service Battalion Officers to Armoured NCOs, who better to support our troops then well qualified former soldiers themselves?